90 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kemiskinan Keluarga pada Kejadian Pneumonia Balita di Indonesia

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    Pneumonia is an acute respiratory tract infection disease that becomes a major cause of death among under five years old children. In Indonesia, in 2000, pneumonia specific cause of death rate among under five children is predicted to be 4.9/ 1000. The socio-economic factor has significant contribution to res-piratory tract infection. The objective of this study is to know the socioeconomic factor that affect pneumonia among under five children. The study uses cross sectional study design using secondary data of Benefit Evaluation Study (BES) II conducted by Centre for Health Research, University of Indonesia in collaboration with Intensification of Infectious Diseases Eradication Project, MOH-RI. The study sample is selected based on multilevel statistical framework from7170 under five children in 10900 households within 27 districts in seven provinces. Analysis method used in this study is multilevel logistic regression. This study shows that the low level of socioeconomic status affect significantly the pneumonia occurrence among under five children. The risk of pneumonia among lower socioeconomic household is higher than that of the high socioeconomic household. It was found that the association was found for poor environmental factor including in-house hygienic condition after controlled by nutritional status. The pneumonia occurrence among under five children is more influenced by environmental factors than individual factors (compositional effect). It is suggested to prioritize intervention on environmental factors to eradicate respira-tory tract infection

    Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Pengolahan Makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSUD X Kota Solok

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    One of the hospital functions is to providing medical treatment and health recovery service according to regulation. Nutritional installation has one of important facilities that director of hospital had to pay attention. This process starts form planning, producing and distributing food for patient. The important role from this section is providing food to reach suitability diet for patient, it intended to cure the patient and prevent a complication, decrease morbidity and mortality patient. This study purpose to determine the root cause problem in nutritional installation in RSUD X and the alternative solution problems guided by guidelines and regulations of the minister of health. The research method was a field research which data collected by observation, interview and literature review. The result found there had been four factor based on fish bone analysis and the most effective one is makes Nutrition Installation Service Guide


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    Pertanyaan mendasar ini akan muncul, bila kita ingin memberantas TB di Indonesia. Beranjak dari pertanyaan ini, paling tidak kita bisa menguraikan simpul masalah tentang bagaimana langkah awal mengenali TB (detection & tracing) dalam tinjauan secara epidemiologi. Diharapkan langkah ini dapat menjaring penderita TB seluruhnya tanpa ada kehilangan satu jejakpun (missopportunity). Bila penderita TB telah terjaring dan diobati,tentunya dapat mengurangi angka kejadian Tuberkulosis di Indonesia


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    Pertanyaan mendasar ini akan muncul, bila kita ingin memberantas TB di Indonesia. Beranjak dari pertanyaan ini, paling tidak kita bisa menguraikan simpul masalah tentang bagaimana langkah awal mengenali TB (detection & tracing) dalam tinjauan secara epidemiologi. Diharapkan langkah ini dapat menjaring penderita TB seluruhnya tanpa ada kehilangan satu jejakpun (missopportunity). Bila penderita TB telah terjaring dan diobati,tentunya dapat mengurangi angka kejadian Tuberkulosis di Indonesia


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    Saat ini mutu layanan kesehatan merupakan focus utama bagi masyarakat. Kesadaran dan kepedulian terhadap mutu memang semakin meningkat. Hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan mutu saat ini antara lain : kepercayaan bahwa sesuatu yang bermutu pastilah merupakan hal yang bersifat luks, mewah, dan mahal. Mutu juga dianggap sesuatu hal yang bersifat abstrak sehingga tidak dapat diukur Upaya peningkatan mutu memerlukan biaya yang cukup mahal


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    Kemiskinan merupakan hulu dari berbagai permasalahn yang ada seperti tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian, pengangguran, gizi buruk , rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Upaya menghilangkan kemiskinan dirasakan selama ini masih dalam bentuk parsial, belum secara holistik. Pada makalah ini diberikan suatu pemikiran pentingnya keunggulan bersaing suatu daerah (yang merupakan tipikal masing masing daerah) dengan melakukan clustering, dalam memajukan kabupaten tersebut. Tidak ada pola satu resep untuk penanggulangan kemiskinan ini, penanganan kemajuan suatu kabupaten harus sesuai dengan pola individualistik kabupaten masing-masing

    PR Rizanda Machmud

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    Characteristics and Mother Behavior about Pneumonia Prevention in Children

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    Providing education on the prevention of pneumonia is an effort to reduce morbidity and mortality among children under five. However, after education on mothers of children under five, the incidence of pneumonia is still high. This research is a descriptive study that aims to explore the characteristics and behavior of mothers regarding the prevention of pneumonia. This is done to be able to plan the provision of further interventions for mothers of children under five. The sampling technique used non-probability methods with total sampling techniques totaling 76 respondents. The research instrument used KAP(Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices) with a total of 32 questions, Cronbach alpha knowledge (0.844), attitude (0.807), and action (0.826). Data analysis using analysis univariate. Characteristics of respondents aged 18-40 years (90.8%), most education was high school (65.7%), and non-working / housewives (85.5%). Mean knowledge value7.55,  attitude with the mean value 26.16, and measures with a mean value of 27.22. Based on the conclusions of the results of research on maternal behavior regarding the prevention of pneumonia in children under five associated with inadequate risk factors for pneumonia, it can cause toddlers to have a risk of pneumonia


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    Objective: Recent studies have reported that vitamin D has an important role in tuberculosis. Polymorphism of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2228570 or FokI will generate proteins with various amino acid lengths, and affect the molecular physiological roles of vitamin D. Cathelicidin acts as an antimicrobial directly against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and mediator autophagy by macrophages induced by vitamin D. This study aims to determine the role of vitamin D, vitamin D receptor gene SNP rs2228570 (FokI), and plasma levels of cathelicidin in children with tuberculosis infection. Methods: This cross-sectional was conducted on children aged £14 y who had close contacts with an adult who had sputum smear positive for acid-fast bacilli indicating pulmonary TB. The children were divided into two groups: those with and those without TB infection. Demographic data and blood samples were taken from children participating in this study to examine polymorphisms and cathelicidin plasma levels, and to determine the association between these levels in children with and without TB infection. Results: There were no differences in the proportion of genotype and allele of SNP rs2228570 vitamin D receptor gene (FokI), polymorphisms of VDR, and cathelicidin plasma levels between children with and without TB infection (p>0.05). However, nutritional status and levels of cathelicidin by age category increased the risk of TB infection (p<0.05). Conclusion: Cathelicidin level in children with TB infection lower than without. Vitamin D and FokI polymorphism did not play role in TB infection
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